
Planning Poker | how can it improve your Sprint

Planning Poker, what is that? When it comes to Web Development, you often hear words like Scrum, Sprint, The planning meeting is the first official event of a Sprint in the Scrum. During this meeting, that can take up to 8 hours for a 4 weeks’ sprint, the Product Owner will present the user stories in the backlog in a priority order.  A user story is the description of a software feature, written in informal and non-technical language, which should be simple enough for the clients to understand but detailed enough for the development team to be able to know what is expected from them.

The goal of the Planning Meeting is to estimate and classify the user stories by its size and determinate, considering the team velocity and capacity, which features will be delivered by the end of the Sprint.

A popular way of estimating the size and effort needed to complete a user story is using the Planning Poker, which is a gamified process that uses physical card decks, mobile apps, or even websites with representation of cards so each team member can vote for their estimates at the same time.


planning poker


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