
The 6 Major Trends in UX in 2018 – 2019

A little reminder is always appreciated!


First, here are the main points you should remember when you think about UX.


  • Usability.

Make something easy to use, not complex

  • Please, No Time Wasting.ux design

People go online to save time. Things need to go fast, really fast.

  • Let Me Go Back.

The back button is the most used feature on the internet. So, make sure people can go back whenever they want.

  • People have habits.

People will tend to stick to something that works.

  • Self Explanatory is a must.

The purpose of a thing should be obvious at first glance

  • Don’t Make People Think.

They should know what to do immediately and then do it.

  • What is your point?

Make sure your site gets to the point; people do not want to move around and waste their time.

  • People remember.

Do not change your site all the time. People have experienced it before and they remember it so do not confuse them.



Trends in UX for the upcoming future.

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Based on Mary Meeker’s Internet Trends report, here are the trends in user experience that needs to be considered for the rest of 2018.


The use of Digital Media is growing.

There has been a growth of 4% in the digital media usage, reaching 5.9 hours per day. Mobile usage reached 3.3 hours, while the desktop usage decreased to 2.1 hours per day.


The Search Functionality.

When it comes to product discovery, Amazon seems to be the first option, but search engines come second at a percentage of 36%. Amazon may be the primary choice, but you cannot ignore how your SEO strategy is critical in affecting your customers.


Messaging, voice search and video are expanding.

According to Mary Meeker’s Report, messaging tends to increase. Messaging platforms are becoming more and more used on a daily basis and brands are exploring the best ways to include them in their digital strategies.

Voice services are amazingly expanding too (thank You Amazon Echo). Except for the usage, there has been an improvement in the service and the skills which would explain this trend that will not stop anytime soon.

Finally, more users are watching video content through their phones every day. So, make sure you take this point into consideration when you create your marketing strategy.


Social media and product promotion.

It seems that the main social media platforms play a key role in the stage of awareness and brands consideration. Companies can now use them to create tangible leads.


Internet advertising is increasing.

There has been a growth of 21% in the Internet advertising spent in the US with a growing allocation of the budget going to mobile ads.


Digital Fingerprint and Search Functionality.

One of the biggest modifications when it comes to the search process is related to the increase of personalization. The more data search engines access, the higher the chances of successful personalization.



The main trends in UX  that you need to remember.


  • Mobile usage keeps growing.
  • Voice services are more and more used.
  • Video content is a must have.
  • Personalized search queries are expanding at a crazy rate.

Need more information? Contact a Digital Agency to learn about it.


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