
Let the good times Multiply

At MultipleMedia we definitely work hard, but we also know the value of occasionally letting loose. Our secret to staying balanced is a special blend of laughter, outings, and delicious treats.

Our work has its fair share of challenges and tight deadlines. To get through the crazy times without going nuts, we’ve been known to turn to the comfort of good food and the occasional (er, daily) sweets. Knowing how important it is to switch gears once in a while, we always welcome an opportunity to liven things up. Here are some of the activities and good times that have been helpful reminders that in life, work isn’t everything.

Near the end of the spring, our social club organized an impressive wine and cheese event. We invited Simon Gaudreau, sommelier and expert instructor, to the occasion. With his help we discovered combinations that were sometimes surprising, but always delicious. Despite our oft-demonstrated expertise in the fine art of gluttony (and we definitely consider it an art), we weren’t able to finish the mountain of cheese on hand that evening, which meant the whole MultipleMedia team was “forced” to work cheese into their lunches for almost a week afterwards.

We kicked off the summer with a harbour cruise to celebrate the 25th year of our sister company, GTI Canada. Patsy Gallant lit up the evening with the irresistible pulse of her disco hits. The party carried on late into the night, and let me tell you — MultipleMedia has its fair share of groovy dancers.

In July, a few members of our team had the privilege of attending the Just for Laughs Gala in honour of the late Gilles Latulippe. Even with our differences in age, we were all in stitches for the span of one incredible evening as we took in this gifted man’s contribution to Quebec’s comedy scene.

We celebrated the end of the summer with a well-deserved cocktail hour on our lovely terrace. It was a chance to welcome two new colleagues, Dorothée and Neus. Champagne, appetizers, and good company — it doesn’t get much better than that.

For Halloween, our beloved Production Manager had the great idea of organizing a group lunch of strange and exotic culinary creations, with everyone in their fabulous costumes. We had a wolf, a parrot, a fox and a cat all fighting over a Great Manitou’s tiramisu. It was MultipleMedia at its most bizarre.

What’s on the horizon? Well, you never know for sure. But it’s safe to say we’ll be taking it on in true MultipleMedia style, and letting the good times multiply.


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