
Team Synergy: uniting for success

Synergy! At MultipleMedia, we choose to work together effectively. It is a world where we gather around the same values ​​and common goals. Our goal ? Achieve excellence! And it is through the cohesion of the group and the coherence of actions that we are sure to achieve it.

Tell me, what is a team synergy?

We hear a lot about this term, but do you really know what it means? Synergy is what turns a group of people into a team, that’s when 1 + 1 = 3. Yes, because all the efforts of a team can do more than the individual sum of the parts.

For this to work, prerequisites must be put in place:

  • The goal must be clear and accepted by all members. Thus, each person supports himself and the team moves together towards the same goal in a climate of confidence and openness. It’s like a hockey team: all members share the same goal of being a champion and that’s why cohesion is paramount. So Go MM Go!
  • The team must cooperate and support each other. At MultipleMedia, we believe in mutual support so that every member who joins our team is welcomed with enthusiasm!

The process: One for all and all for one

At MM we know that a group harmony is first and foremost an individual work to do on oneself. How? It is by taking into account the values ​​of the company and its sense of service, but also by understanding the goals that push us to act together that we get there. In other words, everyone turns the wheel in the same direction.

Involvement and participation. Stakeholder engagement is also a key element of success. For everyone to feel involved, every morning we meet for a few minutes to listen to the needs of each individual and how as a team we can act and help. It’s also an opportunity to talk about your day, current topics and share some jokes to relax before starting a good day’s work.

Shared trust. We believe that each team member has unique strengths. We push people to express their ideas. It is these specific characteristics that are placed end to end and added together to give an effective and efficient result. It is also about understanding how the weakness of one can be compensated by the strength of the other. Members trust each other.


Team spirit, it pays!

Beyond the positive aspect on the results, the team synergy brings more than one could think!

At a professional level, this allows us to develop effective external relationships by creating trustful and credible relationships.

When people work together in an atmosphere of trust and responsibility towards a common goal, they put aside issues of territory and politics to focus on the tasks at hand. This resource focus transcends barriers, helps identify new opportunities, and builds momentum that leads to three major bottom line benefits:

  1. Better problem solving
  2. An increase in productivity
  3. More efficient use of resources


Jon Katzenbach, author of The Wisdom of Teams, observes, “There is virtually no environment in which teams – if they do it well – have no measurable impact on an organization’s performance” .


Each member is concerted which pushes the individual commitment to the benefit of the quality of service. Our customers are the big winners!

Is there a need to say more about the professional benefits of Team Synergy?

Teamwork within MultipleMedia also has personal benefits. It helps in particular to gain self-confidence. Here, everyone can express their ideas and everyone helps others to develop their talents. A difficulty? No problem! We are here to explain and show you how to overcome this!

Team synergy is an important asset within MultipleMedia and we are working hard to grow it. Beyond a working method, it is our identity, because we know that by being united we bring something more, and it is this plus that makes MultipleMedia an outstanding company.


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May the best team win!