
Market Analysis, Digital Strategy and a Complete Overhaul of

At MultipleMedia, we believe that a good digital strategy is the most important success factor in establishing effective positioning that reaches many customers while staying a step ahead of the competition. With the right tactics, the results are impressive!

Seeking support to identify a digital strategy tailored to their corporate reality and develop a new responsive redesign, PROJEXIA’s marketing team turned to MultipleMedia as digital marketing partner.

A comprehensive analysis of the business, its competition and its market clearly established the strategic positioning to support the achievement of the following objectives:

  • Increase the company’s visibility
  • Expand brand awareness among its target clientele
  • Bring more visits to the website
  • Optimize its ability to convert

SEO improvements combined with the identification of a targeted content strategy will lay the solid foundation of the newly redesigned adaptive platform.

Strategic positioning

An eye on the competition

To stay ahead on the topic, an analysis of the main competitors is inevitable. With a focus on accessibility, functionality and content, the audit suggests opportunities for PROJEXIA to really stand out, both in terms of credibility of the company’s brand image to potential customers, and of staff recruitment capacity. These different possibilities will be explored through information architecture to design an optimal structure.

Data under the radar

Comparison does not provide all the answers. It’s perfect for an overview, but the current website holds precious information too. usage statistics bring into light the most visited pages, the content that matters most to its users, external links that generate the most traffic and way more. With this in mind, we’re all set to optimize the website for search engines.

Which paths do our personas take?

Personas and critical navigation paths are two key concepts to develop a strong digital strategy. While the first represents the typical users, the second establishes the specific routes taken on the website to achieve their goals. By clearly outlining the trajectory users go through on PROJEXIA to find their next SAP partner, more information about the products or even a job, we are now ready to design a site that is based on their real needs.

Content Strategy

To clearly define which information should be prioritized on the new platform, we developed a content strategy that includes these previously analyzed elements:

  • Initial project objectives
  • Current use of the website
  • Keywords and high volume search requests
  • Personas’ information needs

Following data analysis, MultipleMedia was able to identify the key strategic axes that guide content creation.

Critical path, tree structure strategy, list of most visited pages and most searched keywords helped structure the content of each page. The content strategy also highlights the main categories to focus on in their new blog while providing valuable input on the development of the social media strategy.

A better understanding of social media

A clear communication axis highlights the brand positioning, its commitment to customers while outlining key retention elements. It is on this premise that MultipleMedia identified the best platforms to deploy various social tactics. With a full audit accompanied by a summary of the platforms and their performance indicators, PROJEXIA managers are now fully equipped to brew a social media storm!

Adaptive redesign of the website

With the information architecture and content strategy completed,’s redesign was finally underway!

An intelligent responsive development

In line with the various strategic recommendations, MultipleMedia developed a new adaptive digital platform with content that can be easily managed and edited via the CMS. (Praise WordPress for its ease of use!) The information architecture optimized to a bunch of scenarios allows a clear navigation and an intuitive search. For a faster and more precise consulting of the vast content, there’s even a newly integrated search engine.

Mixing business with pleasure

A focus on SEO, from content strategy to final development, ensures a maximum visibility in search engines. Then, constant attention to the user experience and a new catchy branding completes, the new ideal tool for the Canadian leader in SAP.


To be part of our next case study and enjoy a strategy aligned with your goals, you know where to reach us. Our experts in digital strategy are also coffee experts.


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